Monday, February 19, 2007

call for stories: new book on spiritual entrepreneurship-a history & guide of transformative artists and the wealth they create in our world

it occurs to me, in my enthusiasm to create, that there might already be a billion dollar industry in transformative arts. and so, as a way of researching to determine if this is true, i am inviting stories of spirit led enterprise. it's my hypothesis that true transformative artists are the biggest grossing professionals in our world community. and so, if you've got a story or know of one, please let me know about it--so that it can inform this new book project.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Personally I do not see the billion dollar industry unless it is disguised by my limited vision. The action I see is not to intend it to be a billion dollar industry. Some form of a RICH industry works for me right now, where money is a form of energy and wealth is a matter of choice.

We have met, BTW, at the conference you mention here in your blog. J introduced us the first night of the conference. I feel we should meet at a little collectively run artist's cafe in Berkeley to discuss this topic further.

It is strictly chance that I came upon this, your blog, tonight. And not chance at all as I have been thinking of you a lot for several days.